Round Two of Psychodrama Group Therapy
We Don’t Just Talk About It. We BE About It!
Pyschodrama Group Therapy
This summer Wynne facilitated her first “Action-Based” group she designed specifically for Adult Children of Dysfunction. It was such a success that we are starting another group in the fall!
"This was an awesome experience. This group helped me overcome some childhood issues, and freed me from feeling guilty about things I didn't need to feel guilty about." - Group Therapy Participant
Who Is This Pyschodrama Group Therapy For?
Recovering from the effects of growing up in a dysfunctional home requires finding the courage to lay down our protective "survival skills" and open up to make choices to act, instead of react.
This group will provide a therapist-led healing space specific to adults wishing to heal from caregiver-inflicted wounding suffered as children.
Adults who identify as Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families
People who grew up in homes which were consistently lacking nurture, affirmation, and empowerment
People who grew up in homes which were emotionally or physically abusive, punitive, or otherwise chaotic
Adults who struggle with interpersonal relationships or a lack of confidence in their abilities, or both
Adults who struggle with their own mental health or addiction issues behind closed doors
This group uses the power of action-based therapy. Did you know that while the body is in action, the brain rewires itself when new behaviors are tried, practiced, and learned? In an action-based group, we don't just talk about it, we be about it!
Yes it really works!!!
Psychodrama has been successfully applied to treatment problems such as:
PTSD and Trauma
Domestic Violence
Eating Disorders
Childhood Sexual Abuse
Substance Abuse
Mood Disorders
Personal Growth
Psychodrama groups are commonly offered in the therapeutic milieu for treating substance abuse, eating disorders, and trauma survivor victims. I have found great success directing psychodrama groups for Family Programs for addicts in drug treatment and their families.
Bottom line: in Psychodrama we don’t just talk about it. We BE about it! Action!
Thank you so much to #teamsoulspring counselor Wynne Stallings for her contributions to the content of this article.